Plexus Reviews

Still confused about the Plexus?

Wanna take wise decision before making your purchase?

If Yes, then find here what the real users think about Plexus. scans the whole web manually to bring the real and honest plexus reviews at one place.

Check the reviews below and decide yourself.

About Plexus

Plexus Reviews
Thousands Attend Plexus Worldwide’s 2022 Ignite Convention in Columbus Ohio

Want to know more about Plexus?

You can start with their about page, can checkout their social media accounts at Facebook, and Instagram.

You can also contact them here.

Overview of Plexus

“Overall we’re not especially impressed by Plexus Slim, especially for the high price ($91.95), and we would not recommend this supplement.”

“In 2015, a Non-Profit organization in California called the Environmental Research Center sued Plexus for levels of lead in their products which were above Prop 65 limits. Prop 65 is a government mandate specific to California that sets contaminant limits for food and supplement products.”

“Plexus received a warning letter from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in June of 2020 about their marketing claims related to COVID. Some of the company’s representatives were making absurd nonscientific claims during the virus outbreak such as “we know that runaway inflammation is the culprit behind this virus” in an attempt to sell more Plexus products.” ( full review )

” Plexus states that their products “have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration” (FDA) and are ”not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease” . This is likely a response to a warning from the FDA in 2014 about the misleading health claims attached to some of their products.” ( full review )

“Plexus is a supplement company that is built on the Multilevel Marketing model, i.e., you can’t buy the products in stores, but you can get them from your high-school acquaintance who suddenly wants to get back in touch with you on Facebook all these years later.”

“Plexus offers a wide range of “health” supplements for purchase. Their products are marketed to support anything from glowing skin to digestive health to, of course, weight loss. Unfortunately, they do not have the research to back up their bold and misleading claims” ( full review )

“In case this Plexus review hasn’t convinced you, Plexus is about the same as every other nutrition MLM out there: Supplements with ingredients that are either not proven to do anything or, if they are, not in the concentrations that the products contain. ” ( full review )

Plexus Reviews

Just ask yourself, how many times you left the honest review online when you find yourself completely satisfied with the product? It’s a human nature that we only respond when something wrong happens with us.

Most of the time, real customers don’t write reviews on any random review website available over internet. But when you visit, you’ll find many positive reviews published 3 years ago, 2 years ago etc. Why? Why real customers have stopped dropping their reviews on this website? Why there’s no good number of recent reviews.

At last, it looked suspicious to us and we only considered the honest reviews from their which you can find below.

1 Star “I have a friend who sell this stuff and do you know what she told me? It’s no different to any other product on the market that claims to do wonders to your health. She said it’s likes pyramid sales, hooking people up to sell this horrible product to receive incentives etc… How disgusting that this company and the people involved should play on someone’s physical snd emotional well-being. Not to mention it’s not affordable for the average worker.”

2 Star “So me an my wife tried this stuff . I have to say it’s bad the taste is like aspartame nasty just gross an it doesn’t help you lose weight either .just another junk product”

1 Star “This product does not hold up to its claims of helping gut health. I tried for almost 2 years now and has done nothing for me but emptied my pocket book and helped me gain weight.”

It’s so strange that there were so many happy customers dropping positive reviews on, but I don’t understand, where those happy customers went? when it came to leave honest reviews on Trust Pilot which is way more popular than

Plexus Reviews

There’s merely 7 reviews on Trust Pilot and 2 of them were fake reviews. You can checkout the real reviews below.

1 Star “Exactly two years and one day after I cancelled my membership they charged my account again for $39.98. I cancelled my membership on 9/17/21 and was charged on 9/18/23. This is why I don’t ever sign up for memberships since. They will never stop!!!! Total BS.”

2 Star

I paid $150 for … not much.

A water bottle that came with it was cheap garbage that started peeling after 2 weeks. + a pillbottle of laxative pills + little jar of probiotic pills.

It cleared up a bit of acne, (I think, though it’s hard to say) and reduced the bloating I had. Not worth the $$.

Of course there was a SUBSCRIPTION that I had accidentally signed up for, and it took 5 times contacting customer service to get them to finally send a return label.

Now to see if they actually send the full refund at the end of the month…”

2 Star “This company is unclear as to what types of annual subscriptions customers are enrolled in. I cancelled my subscription a while back and was charged a membership fee for another 2 years after the cancellation. When I spoke with customer service again after the second charge, I was told for the first time ever that I had an ambassador subscription which was different from the other subscription. I’m so disappointed with the way they conduct their business. Plexus company is burning bridges behind them because there are many supplement companies out there who are great and you may go out of business sooner or later.”

1 Star

Though the product works, it’s NOT worth the hassle and the cost. There ARE products out there that are less costly and works as well, if not better.
One thing that was ratchet was the fact, after cancelling my account with them, come the anniversary to the date I joined they tapped my card the $49.99 membership fee. I was like WAIT! WHAT! NAW…
I had a lovely (not) time dancing around the FACT I had cancelled my account as instructed months prior to the renewal.
I have seen WAY TOO MANY reviews of this happening to other patrons. I truly believe this is a scam.. there’s entirely too many people who set up auto pay on various accounts and they forget about it.
PEOPLE WAKE UP! There are companies that prey on your trust. Hoping you won’t catch this.
This is just one that works this way.
The woman on the other end of this call, was anything but polite.
She was short, rude, and down right beligerant. She acted entitled and that it was a ‘glitch’. Yeah, and I sprouted grapes between my toes!! NO, THIS IS NOT A GLITCH! IT’S CALLED ILLEGAL!
PLEXUS, does NOT respect that cut.
I wonder just how many people are still going through this ordeal, after cancelling the account!
I’ve since then closed my bank account and opened another, for safety precautions.
I promised to sue, if they tried to tap my account again.
To prevent me the headache, I did the responsible thing and opened a different checking account, to which they haven’t access too.
To save me the hassle of opening suit on them.. they WILL try again next April to tap an account. They did not respect the closure the 1st time, their word is worthless.. save yourself the headache of ‘trusting’ a untrustworthy company all together.
Close & start over – avoid the lawyer fee’s and headache.. STAY AWAY FROM PLEXUS!!

the product is available in various online platforms.. CHEAPER than the original company and best of all NO MEMBERSHIP DUES!!
PLEXUS IS A PYRAMID SCHEME AT BEST.. if you’re suckered in to sell.. DON’T! You make little if anything at all. The higher ups are corrupt and shady. What they do to get ahead (the one I was under, did) would make your head spin.”

A comment from a review article ” I bought Plexus Slim by Plexus but it does not help with weight loss. I also implemented a cardio/weight lifting routine while using Plexus and I ate well but still no weight loss.

Even found many negative reviews on which you can read below.

1 Star “Absolutely a scam! I tried their products and they made me very sick! That was not the real issue. In January of 2022 I cancelled my membership with Plexus, received a confirmation email that my membership was cancelled. In August of 2022 my credit card was charged an annual membership fee. It took weeks and me having to fill out the cancellation form again to get my money back. Received confirmation of my membership cancellation again. And what do you know, last week, August 2023 my credit card was charged AGAIN!!! I emailed the company with the cancellation email attached from 2022 and they had the gall to tell me I had to fill out the cancellation form again!! This is pure BS!! I filled it out for the third time and told them I wanted my money back ASAP and my card had better never be charged again. We will see what happens next August ****! Be aware of everything before doing anything with this company!! Terrible business practices! If I could rate them a negative number I would!”

1 Star “The absolute WORST company to work for. My upline got my name wrong in the system and it took 2 months to fix it. I couldnt get paid because the plexus pay wouldnt change my last name. I was bullied by my 2 uplines and requested another upline for plexus to ask for SCREENSHOTS of my conversation with these 2 girls. Now I went to get those snapshots as requested and there are mysteriously GoNE!! So someone from the main office obviously gave her a heads up and she deleted our conversation.Its not fair I keep making money for my upline and she doesnt deserve to get the credit! In my first 14 days I had 3 ppl. She continues to go to my ppl under me and email them behind my back to take them from me. Ive had to block them both from my ********** Unbelievable high school drama I absolutely dont need! Its a **** CULT!!!”

1 Star “Canceled after the first month back in 2021. Did not like the products, they made me feel worse than I ever had before. I was mislead by a “friend” when signing up, I simply wanted to try product but unbeknownst to me, was signed up as an ambassador which includes an automatic annual subscription renewal. I thought by canceling my monthly order that would have been enough to cancel everything with Plexus. I just got an email saying my subscription was not renewed due to declined credit card payment from and expired card. Went into my account and saw they renewed my subscription last year and I was not aware because I did not notice it on my credit card statement. Thankfully this year my credit card that was still connected was expired so I did not get billed again. I never received an email or notification last year about my automatic renewal – that it was upcoming or the payment was process. Only received an email this year because of my declined card.”

1 Star “They keep charging me after I cancelled my account with them. I have all the emails and they continue to not respond anymore. They even told my bank I didnt cancel even though I have evidence. S*** company.”

1 Star “I would give 0 starts if that was an option. We were promised by our “ambassador,” or whatever title they go by, that we would feel healthier and lose weight. The products made my mom and I sick. We had aches and pains and an overall sense of not feeling well. Salesperson we worked with said, “oh, it’s just the toxins coming out of your body, stick with it.” Bull crap! Luckily, after reading about all the things that could happen from taking these products, kidney failure, increase in blood pressure, etc., we quit doing plexus and began to feel better. Good luck trying to return products because their customer service is absolutely terrible. No one seems to be on the same page and we had to redo the whole online return process a few times because it is extremely difficult to navigate. Then hitting submit after answering all their nonsensical questions, not once but three times, plexus “claims” they never received the online return information. It also took a few tries to deactivate our yearly subscription as well. Extremely frustrating process and we most certainly feel duped by our “ambassador,” or again, whatever title they go by. Stay away from plexus!!”

1 Star “Worst company ever!!!! I have requested a cancellation 10 times over many months and they keep sending me this s***** product that I don’t want. Every time they send me the products that I have cancelled I have to pay to return them. It’s bull s*** and I hope it bites them in the a**”

1 Star “A few friends of mine were having good results with Plexus and recommended it to me. I signed on to a membership and ordered lots of products. Within just a couple of days I developed severe sores in my mouth. I am a very healthy person and have never had any health issues. I just wanted to lose a few pounds. My consultant spoke with other contacts within the Plexus company. They suggested different products and strategy. I bought more and continued to support the product. Finally, it became apparent this product caused the condition and was making it worse NOT better. So, I stopped taking the product. I did ask for a refund and received some compensation. Sadly, I have been diagnosed with the autoimmune disease lichen planus. I have had it for four years and there is no cure. Whatever gut biome change occurred within me was drastic and devastating. I wish I would have never taken this product. I would not recommend it to others.”

1 Star “The products made me quite ill so I stopped. The service I received was terrible as well. Anything having to do with the account and ordering was not easy to manage. It was impossible to cancel anything! I was assured it was cancelled in 2019. Guess they cancelled the product subscription and not the membership. Although I was clear I didn’t want their products. In early 2020 I was charged for the annual membership, I contacted to remind them it was to be cancelled and I shouldn’t have been charged. It’s 2023, turns out it was never cancelled. My fault for not checking every credit card statement. But also, how are they allowed to charge an expired card? Took MULTIPLE attempts to contact them to cancel to be told I won’t get any of my money back and I should believe it’s cancelled……again. Terrible customer service and the products are a joke. Most of them cause more health issues than they resolve.”

1 Star “This stuff changed my life. And not for the better. I tried this around 5 years ago, and it gave me TERRIBLE diarrhea. No matter what my “consultant” suggested, it didn’t get better. I gave it a h*** of a go…. about 5 months before I finally gave in. It triggered debilitating panic and anxiety that I deal with to this day. I don’t think my consultant knew what she was doing, not that it was her fault, but she clearly had no training and didn’t know what to do with me. If you have a sensitive gut at all, just skip this stuff. Save yourself.”

1 Star “I got a notification from my bank yesterday that I was negative. I didn’t understand why all my bills had come through and I knew how much money I had in my account. I look and see a charge from Plexus for *****. I canceled that account in 2020, my sister had bought me a year membership. I noticed on my profile that they had tried to charge my old card in 2021 which it didn’t go through due to me getting a new card for my bank account for fraudulent charges. They proceed this year to open a new subscription theirselves as a company and charge my bank account causing it to overdrawn. I emailed them and they reversed the charge and when I stated about the overdraft charge. They wanted my bank statement sent to them before and after. Not a screenshot the bank account. Which I told them wasn’t happening as that has my personal information on it and they have already proven as a company that they do fraudental things with people’s Information.”

1 Star “This is an MLM that has taken advantage of my friends that got sucked in. Before understanding that this was a crooked pyramid scheme, I ordered something because it came recommended by friend who had been fooled. A months later a $135 charge came on my card for a subscription. The site led me to think I was ordering a product one time, not starting a subscription and they didnt notify me of the charge or order before it was too late to cancel it. Do not order anything from here.”

1 Star “On day three I got very sick. Spent the day throwing up. Request a refund, as they do have a 60day full refund. Have yet to receive a refund. Have been in contact with several customer service agents but all I get is a run around.”

Is Plexus Legit?

According to our research, Plexus is definitely not a legitimate company. The brand had been sued for fake and cheap product quality. Even received a warning letter from Federal Trade Commission in June of 2020. With having many unsatisfied customers, Plexus is not even FDA approved, then how can it be a legit brand?

Is Plexus Really Worth it?

It’s definitely not worth buying and gonna waste your time and money for sure. Don’t risk your health behind such scam products. We don’t recommend such products to our readers and always expose such scam brands.

Where to Buy Plexus?

You should avoid buying their products.


What is the downside of Plexus?

They are scammers fooling people, what else do you need to know about their downsides?

Is Plexus products FDA approved?


Is Plexus an American company?

According to the brand, Plexus is headquartered in Neenah, Wisconsin, the US.

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